Friday, December 31, 2010

Why would adults read books meant for teens?

So, today's post was supposed to be on my favorite reads of 2010 but I'll postpone that.

Why would adults want to read teen books? Are they maladjusted in some way? Do they still think they're 16? Can they not read well enough to tackle an adult book?

I supposed those could be valid reasons. In my case, I started reading young adult books when my son was in 4th or 5th grade. He was a big reader at the time and was a pretty advanced reader. Junior books were getting boring (and I had trouble finding ones he hadn't read and that would be interesting for a boy) but I was concerned that the more mature content of teen books would be too mature for him. So I started reading them and passing them on to him.

My findings? Teen books are great! They're shorter, in general, than adult books so a busy mom has time to actually finish. They tend to be more optimistic, even the dystopian ones have happy endings or the potential for better things. There are interesting characters. The authors aren't trying to win awards for literary fiction or show how smart they are so they're not pretentious. They're just more fun!

I think the next post will be young adult books that will have more appeal to adults than to teens. Probably after New Years...

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